Sunday, December 15, 2013

Moving On Up

  A wise man by the name of John Dewey once said "you do not learn from experience, you learn from reflecting on your experiences." That is very accurate because when you reflect and analyze your experiences you learn way more then you do at the moment or during a situation. Life is a nonstop cycle in which  we are able to learn and experience things everyday. Sometimes things are not clear to us at first but when we sit back and reflect there are things we start to see that can be fixed and worked on for better results in the future.

 There was a lot I learned from being a college student this semester. It was a few early steps that I had to hurdle by adjusting to the workload and putting the time and effort into all of my assignments. Every class has their own syllabus which is vital in order to stay on top of your assignments at all times. At first I overlooked my syllabus in some classes and fell behind early which really put me in a bad position. However, once I got it together and changed my mindset there was a different approach I took to my college studies as a whole. This is the last type of school before we go out into the real world and in order to make it in life you must be able to fit tough criteria regulations for good jobs in modern day society. College is more then just school, but also a little bit of training for how we will start off our career in the near future. People should look at it as practice for when they get a real job because that's how important it is, you must have a certain drive to want to work hard and be successful unless you will just  be waiting your time and money.

    In the journey of life, we all have our ups and downs along the way. Everybody has had some hard times in their life but it is how you respond to that adversity that makes you who you are. My biggest challenge this semester would definitely have to be handling and managing my free time to the best of my ability. It was the different setting and atmosphere that I was not used to at first that caused me to lose my focus in the early parts of the semester. I wasn't giving my studies enough effort and review to even expect the results I wanted. When I realized that my first ever GPA was in jeopardy of looking horrific I had no choice but to rearrange my priorities then give them the attention they required. I responded well by turning off my phone and zoning out from everyone when I needed to do my work. Also I gave myself enough time to do assignments and not cram everything at the last minute like I was doing before. During the  last half of the semester most of my time and effort without a doubt was dedicated to improving my grades in each one of my classes as much as possible before the end of the semester. Although I didn't meet a lot of my goals I set the bar for how to finish a semester and to move forward with. There is definitely a lot to improve on but now that I know what to expect I am looking forward to taking all the challenges next semester has to offer and working hard to bring my GPA up to a 3.0.
As you can see, this semester was definitely a learning experience for me. Now reflecting back on it, there were a lot of things that I could've did differently knowing what I know now. I can only improve on the future and let the past stay where it's at because this life waits for nobody. I may have my work cut out for me but I am determined to be successful and nothing worth having comes easy.

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