In the college level of school, nothing really comes easy. You must work hard for what you want to achieve whether it's in the classroom or on the field. I can not downgrade any particular field's value because it isn't my field of choice or something I am talented with. As you learn throughout life, everybody has their own set of skills and talents that make one standout from another. With that being said, I suggest that value of a liberal arts education is pretty high and not easy to come by at all.
I think the liberal arts education is a very valued one. It is a very dynamic verification that can get you to a lot of places. By comprising the arts, you can become a very diverse individual with some interesting people that you will meet and learn from on the way. The way liberal arts is looked at in the state's isn't as highly as it is over in Europe or Asia, unfortunately. I think there is a lot more going on in America that sometimes outshines the Liberal Arts community. That doesn't take the value however, because anything that is a career and provides you with a job is a highly valued job that can contribute to a comfortable way of living life.
The arts is such a wide field of study that qualifies you for a lot of different position that you may be eligible for if you have your liberal arts degree. I think that if you are a talented model/actress and you have been doing it all of your life, why wouldn't you pursue a dream that can take you across the world and open you up to so many different viewpoints? There are not a lot of famous award winning actresses and actors for a reason. As you will learn in life, there is a non-stop cycle of work that needs to be done in order to keep improving in your field. In this life, we have to work regardless to get what we need and want. If you love what you are doing, no matter what it is I'm sure you will find a way to commit to it and do whatever you have to in order to be the best you can be. A liberal arts education, is something that is internationally becoming more popular. Something like that would be an attraction to me if I was good in the arts. I feel like expanding your network is what life is all about; the more you can travel the world, express your ideas , or gain knowledge with others who are into the same things as you is what makes you a complete and versatile individual.
As you can see, there is a field of choice for everyone. The career you choose is a big choice that can effect the way you live your life and are looked at in society. The liberal arts is a very underrated one that is a very high valued and tough career to pursue. The real elite artists who have mastered their field and have won awards are worthy of high praise and have the best rewards for their master pieces.
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